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Table 2 Position Weight Matrix. A count of nucleotides j ∈ {A, T, G, C} at each position k = 1..l in all the sequences of the data set. C k is the kthnucleotide of the consensus pattern which represents the nucleotide with the highest value in that column. Let the consensus pattern be GACT...G and b j be the background.

From: Refining motifs by improving information content scores using neighborhood profile search


k = b

k = 1

k = 2

K = 3

k = 4


k = l


b A

w 1

C 2

w 7

w 10


w 3l-2


b T

w 2

w 4

w 8

C 4


w 3l-1


b G

C 1

w 5

w 9

w 11


C l


b C

W 3

w 6

C 3

w 12


W 3l