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Fig. 3 | Algorithms for Molecular Biology

Fig. 3

From: Evolution through segmental duplications and losses: a Super-Reconciliation approach

Fig. 3

(i) The four considered gene families. (ii) The considered species tree with the corresponding clusters: 19 in total involving 24 genes from the OPR family (genes named ‘a’), 17 from the NKAIN family (named ‘n’), 7 from the STMN family (named ‘s’) and 13 from the SRC-B family (named ‘h’). (iii) The Super-Reconciliation obtained form individual gene trees (not shown), and the induced duplication and loss history. Losses are indicated by red bars on the considered edges and duplications by rectangles. Yellow stars indicate the location of the 1R and 2R whole genome duplication events. Gene orders after removing duplicates (see text) are indicated on leaves, and chosen gene orders for internal nodes are shown

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