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Fig. 16 | Algorithms for Molecular Biology

Fig. 16

From: On an enhancement of RNA probing data using information theory

Fig. 16

The average entropy of sub-samples \(H(\Omega _{t})\) (LHS) and queried base pairs \(H(X_{t})\) (RHS) on the t-th level of the ensemble tree. We contrast the ensemble trees obtained from a Boltzmann sample (B, blue), a uniform sample (U, orange), or an E-sample (E, green), which is comprised of \(2^{10}\) distinct structures, each containing only one base pair. For the former two types of samples, we randomly generate 1000 sequences of length 200. For each sequence, we sample \(2^{10}\) structures together with a target structure s, according to the Boltzmann or uniform distributions

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