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Fig. 8 | Algorithms for Molecular Biology

Fig. 8

From: Heuristic algorithms for best match graph editing

Fig. 8

Performance comparison of several BMG editing heuristics based on recall, precision, specificity, and accuracy (rows 1 to 4). The l.h.s. panels show the respective measure for the perturbed digraph w.r.t. the original random BMG. The red lines marks the median values of the latter. The r.h.s. panels show the results for the edited digraphs w.r.t. the original BMGs (blue) and the perturbed digraphs (green). The light colors indicate the “direct” performance of each method, i.e., the digraph \(\vec {G}(T,\sigma )\) where T is the tree that is directly constructed by each method. The darker colors indicate the results if the methods are used as heuristic for MaxRTC in Alg. 1. Example plot for \(|V|=30\) vertices and \(|\sigma (V)|=10\) colors in each digraph, insertion and deletion probability 0.1, and 100 digraphs

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