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Fig. 7 | Algorithms for Molecular Biology

Fig. 7

From: Investigating the complexity of the double distance problems

Fig. 7

Possible (partial) squares of \(PG(\mathbb {S},\check{\mathbb {D}})\). Shadowed parts represent the pruned elements (since they do not count for the score, it is not relevant to differentiate whether the pruned vertices are telomeres or not). The top line represents squares whose preserved elements include no telomere. The middle and the bottom line represent squares whose preserved elements include telomeres, marked in gray. Note that all of these are \(\check{\mathbb {D}}\)-telomeres (\(\mathbb {S}\)-telomeres are not part of any square). Cases (a1–a2), (b1–b4) and (c1–c3) are ambiguous, while cases (d1–d3) and (e1–e2) are resolved

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