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Fig. 3 | Algorithms for Molecular Biology

Fig. 3

From: Unifying duplication episode clustering and gene-species mapping inference

Fig. 3

An example of gene-species distributions of for the leaves with unknown label from a partial gene tree with three such leaves and a species tree S. In this case, the optimal number of episodes is 1, and the episode is located at the root of S, marked accordingly. The total number of feasible mappings is 52. The histograms at the leaves of the gene tree depict how many times a specific leaf is mapped to the corresponding species leaf in these feasible mappings. In other words, they represent \(\delta ^\downarrow _{\#\mathbb {T}}(\textsf{root} (G),\textsf{root} (S))(l,\cdot )\), where l is the gene tree leaf associated with each histogram

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